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Saturday, March 5, 2011

marching along

I went to visit a local textiles artist~ Hilary Rice~ a while back, and she does amazing embellishment work using (among other things!) quilting tech. and fabric transformation. We agreed that she wasn't a quilter but an artist- for an artist can use any amount of skills from any source in order to create their work. Just because it looks like a quilt doesn't put the creator in a 4x4 box! She's having upcoming solo shows in BC and ON, and is currently finishing a piece for one. A lot of what she showed me I saw could be applied to a costume- there's fabric that can turn into scales for instance! It was amazing to say the least ^_^

[Her website is: www.mestudios.ca if anyone would like to take a look]

I applied for a craft council job; no big expectations here, but I figured it was better to try rather than not bother. And that's just the thing too, because you'll never know what could happen if you didn't give yourself the chance. Current job is less stressful now that I've got my taxes done- I don't have to worry so much about hours as I have (and this is exciting) paid off my student loans! I have to check the site in a few days to see if I have any leftover interest that lingered but that won't be a problem to get rid of.

And then it will be saving for the next venture: KSA. I'm getting another loan which, now that I've paid this one off, I know won't be hard to handle.

I just finished off my last commission for cosplays, so I'm starting to turn my attention back to my own, and also some of my art. I'm looking forward to warmer weather for performance art!