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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Linen Gusset Pants and Cheesecloth Creations

I'd cut out the pattern for these linen gusset pants a few weeks ago, finally sat down and put them together last night.  I used hemp twine for the gathered waistband, and no elastics for once.  Gave them a test run today and they are holding up wonderfully.

And then I made bags from cheesecloth for holding produce when at the grocery or farmers market, and some simple tied sachets for spices to deter insects/freshen air.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Completed Project: Jacket for Ponyo Cosplay

I finished the original pattern, and began to finalize the striped jacket, when I found the perfect stripe pattern for the cosplay I was working on.  So I left the small stripes on the hanger to finish later, and moved right along to making the final jacket:

Got some fun photos in the mirror, along with making a fushia/pink ascot for the costume:

I've been wanting to make this for around 3 years, so it's great to finally check it off my ever growing 'to sew' list!  It's a good jacket too, so I will probably use it for a tailor made linen jacket for everyday use.  Here is the cosplay of Fujimoto, from the movie Ponyo: