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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

-got another commission/ job: repair and alter a leather vest.  I ended up working on it a bit today, and had to take it to the industrial sewing machine.  It is a beast and quite trigger happy with the foot plate- and apparently known to break fingers.  But, I did get the major seams done.  All I have to do now is handsew a few inner parts of the lining. 

-used up the last of my leftover dyes in overdying clothing/ a purple striped shirt, a brown striped shirt, and a yellow one that may be dipped in indigo for a green.  And, I want to try and print over some as well, just to add more to them.

-tomorrow is body of work day, which I am done, so I am going to continue my side projects/ photos and lists to come! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Busy in Printing

1. Bleached out black polka dot fabric made into pants
2. Myro nature dye print in progress (full size bedsheet)
3. Bleached out cotton shirt

-been slowing finishing the final headdress, Amazon; it should be complete this week with any luck

-I have spent the majority of my week job hunting, and handing out resumes- preparing for the end of school next month when I will have time for things other than art again ^__^ well, that may not be entirely true as I hope to continue making things for the market

-been doing a lot of extra side projects at school lately, trying to make the most of the studio space I have right now.  It's sad to think that soon it won't be available to use as I'll be graduated.  But this means I must devise an alternative space...

-speaking of which, I cleaned out a corner in the basement, and it could become the perfect summer haunt...


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Above we have the aforementioned headdresses, grey is Mystic, blue is Pharaoh, and below we have my 2 production lines of hoods and face masks (8 pieces each) in progress. 

 And then there is headdress #3, Amazon.   

Should have them all done this week, and then be able to do some performance pics/videos with them- making them is just the first step.  One of these will be submitted to the Talking Heads show in Vancouver, which shall it be?

Or mayhaps I will make a fifth one.
-Headdress update: almost finished 3 of 4.  The fourth one is nicknamed Amazon, and is slowly taking shape.  I am aiming to have the entire series done by the end of this week, so I can move forward with my other classes (namely, my commission work, side projects, and my graduation paper). 

-Tomorrow begins more bleach experiments, and perhaps I will be able to cut out some block prints...

Monday, March 11, 2013

keep it simple- update

-finished my book miniatures, making another book for a narrative project (art/craft schools love narrative projects, don't they?)

 -working on the third headdress

 -finished two production lines (8 pieces each)

-another commission~ altering a coat and bag.  the coat is done, the bag should be finished today

 -ideally, I would love to have all my courses finished this week so I can begin/continue all my side projects while I still have access to a full studio, but I think I'll have to wait and see what I can do- go time!