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Saturday, November 22, 2014

November: writing fiction, curtains, tailoring shirts

One thing these all have in common are flowers.  However, I haven't been doing much of that- mainly writing a 50,000 word challenge as part of this program: http://nanowrimo.org/   I found some wallpaper for free and so I've been debating on what to use it for.

 I reached my daily word count yesterday earlier than usual, so I decided to work on tailoring some dress shirts down for my size.  I am currently almost finished shirt 2/6.  There's some detail work I want to put onto the second one that will help make it appear less... untidy.

I did make a living room curtain for the house- just had to sew in a cord at the top of the fabric and tie it up across the window.  Seen above, pink lace: keeps the glare off the floor and electronics, and makes the rest of the household quite happy for the additional privacy, albeit a still see-through kind of sort.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Under 3 Bulbs of Light

 Some more progress on the jacket- I finished hand sewing the black panels and around the neckline, added some felted wool and I am now problem solving the sleeves (or lack thereof).  Teaser pics of a 2D piece and some embroidery I've been working on, and my constant companion in the studio.

If you can make out the work 'trout' you are off to a good start!


This is all on hiatus for the week, as Halloween is fast approaching- when I'm not at my day and night jobs I have been putting hours into a costume that is putting some prop skills to the test.  I made a shirt by drafting a pattern from scratch using the grey mannequin; found out that I've gotten infinitely better at fitting sleeves.  Minus a serger, it looked store quality.  Also figured out a working design for haram pants, which can be put to future projects.         

Monday, October 13, 2014

Upholstery, Conclusions, & Costumes!

A stool I picked up a short while back, I'd say around the last days of September/ early October.  I didn't care for the original fabric so I decided to take it on as my first upholstered project.  Hand stitched it on, the fabric I used is a synthetic blend thrifted.  

I have a purple chair in need of repair, I suspect I'll be attacking that as well this month.  Currently I am working on finishing projects I've started about or have begun to formulate plans for in my head.  There are a few, so we'll see how it all works out.  I also have a Steampunk costume to plan for the 30th and a cosplay for Halloween~

Friday, September 26, 2014

Dye work in September

                                                 Setting up the back porch for some dye work

                                    Lovely and dark in the pots, pastel and vastly different when dry
I used natural dyes (cutch (brown), and a mixture of safflower/myrobolan/madder (pink).  I dyed the two pieces above first, some stretchy jersey I had and some cotton, and then I used up the rest of the cutch re- heating it to dye a piece of canvas.  Canvas I've found is a thirsty fibre, it just soaks up all the left over dye and is usually just as vibrant as the initial run through. 

The photo isn't very good below but I've used the dyed canvas as a base for a 2D piece I've been working on.  I have since removed the orange felt, and added more bead work instead.  It is an experimental piece, so we'll see where that goes. 

                                                               Lace, layers, drapery

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Heat Breaks

                                                                 Purple Haram Pants

                                                       Portable Burner = Fibre Dye Times

This has been my summer in the city: swimming, beaches, working two jobs, repairing minor rips in clothing, thrift hunting, pouring over library books- mainly interior design. 

This will be my fall: writing, dying fabric, redying clothing, buying wool and possibly a triple beam scale, ink drawing/painting, more interior design.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

First months of Vancouver

I moved to Vancouver at the end of April, 2014.  It was a trial of many things, and I am glad to say that since the move I've gotten a job, explored a lot of the city, and done quite a few beach runs.  The studio which is downstairs by the entry way, was formally known as the fourth bedroom.

I've acquired a few things that are related to my art practice, notably:
-a second mannequin
-a small sleeve ironing device
-hand held steamer
-large steamer on wheels
-various boxes/containers for storage of fabrics/supplies
-small space heater for working in the colder months    

And one thing that was not related, a piano.

This piano was moved into the studio as the stairs to the upper levels of the apartment are too weak on the outside and too narrow on the inside.  The entry way itself is small and angled, and while it could work, the household as a collective agreed it would be too much of a narrow space after having it there.  It has a few broken hammers that need to be repaired, needs a tuning at some point, and has a few chipped ivory keys, but it is lovely all the same. 

My studio space is now divided but infinitely enriched.

Currently, I have been making harem pant patterns, repairing everyday clothes, making a cosplay (Judal, from the anime Magi), and creating some curtains.  And now, I have to get back to all that before I lose the interest to do so! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Brown Paper Experiments

What is new: this machine ^

I also got my contract for the SCC (Saskatchewan Craft Council) Affinity Gallery Exhibition that starts this month Feb. 8- April 12.  'Archetype: Mystic' will be on display there, and hopefully I will be sent some more information as it progresses.  It will be the first time I've received artist fees for having my work in a gallery, so that is inspiring and reinforces my choice in career path.

elephant grey

                                   trying out some new patterns I've been drafting.                                       

Here are some colour/fabric swatches I've been working with:

Mostly though, this end of winter I have been drawing, and planning some mini projects.  I am more focused on moving to Vancouver BC, and so that and the daily job has been the recipient of most of my energies.  I had a good series of photos of some art experimentation that I will be uploading in another post though ^__^ cheers