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Monday, August 30, 2010

'Harvest' Full Tilt Stockpile Exhibition

On August 29, 2010 Stockpile had their second annual exhibition at Full Tilt, McIvers, NL. There was a gallery space and an outdoor field venue where artworks were performed and installed. Opening started at 3pm, closing reception began at 5pm.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Art Projects and Plans

I would like to get back into the making of art/ there's a sculpture/performance group show by Stockpile at Full Tilt August 29, and another 'Chalk/Walk' this sunday (August 22) but I want to do some independent stuff.

There's a couple of deadlines for september, and I'm not sure if I'll try for both but I am interested. I just got back from a week of vacation, and that gave me time to get some creative ideas thought up and written down: I'm thinking of books, printmaking, and performance. In short, anything I can do with little cost at home.

Because I'm not making money from selling art, I get it from my part/full time job. And I am realizing how difficult it can be to do both at the same time and still be reconized as an artist even if I'm not exhibiting or doing gallery work. So, time to get cracking.

Chalk/Walk August 2

This time around we went down Main Street; what a beautiful day that was! We also got our first angry response- a man told us he didn't want us putting chalk on the sidewalk in front of a building he owned. I would like to say that no harm came to the building, and the chalk all washed away in the next rain (that night, or the day after).

I think it would be a different story if it was a group of small kids drawing, and I wonder why that is. Is chalk just for kids, and is it unacceptable for anyone but kids to use it for art? It's a non-permanent, non-toxic, washable material, a lot better for public spaces than spray paint. Maybe it was the drawings that were unwanted, and scattered blocks coloured would be less of a problem, but either way it will all disappear without leaving a scratch.

Chalk/Walk July 22

This 'Chalk/Walk' happened during the East Meets West expo, and we got a lot more people responding to it, even some kids coming over to draw for an hour or more!