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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Linen Gusset Pants and Cheesecloth Creations

I'd cut out the pattern for these linen gusset pants a few weeks ago, finally sat down and put them together last night.  I used hemp twine for the gathered waistband, and no elastics for once.  Gave them a test run today and they are holding up wonderfully.

And then I made bags from cheesecloth for holding produce when at the grocery or farmers market, and some simple tied sachets for spices to deter insects/freshen air.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Completed Project: Jacket for Ponyo Cosplay

I finished the original pattern, and began to finalize the striped jacket, when I found the perfect stripe pattern for the cosplay I was working on.  So I left the small stripes on the hanger to finish later, and moved right along to making the final jacket:

Got some fun photos in the mirror, along with making a fushia/pink ascot for the costume:

I've been wanting to make this for around 3 years, so it's great to finally check it off my ever growing 'to sew' list!  It's a good jacket too, so I will probably use it for a tailor made linen jacket for everyday use.  Here is the cosplay of Fujimoto, from the movie Ponyo:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Week of Patterns

This week I give you photos of my new ironing board with self made cover, and patterns for a simple tank shirt, pant with gusset, harem pant, and a jacket (currently still in progress).  I don't know why I prefer the use of cloth patterns over paper... possibly because I always have fabric on hand, possibly because I like the way that fabric clings to other fabric and I find I have to pin it less- who knows.  It works for me at the moment, though I do contemplate having some card stock patterns in the future.

You would think I spend most of my time creating- in reality, I do a lot of prep work generating ideas, creating the patterns and designs, choosing fabrics and colours, and keeping the studio space organized.  The actual sewing is a much faster process in comparison, even if the sewing itself takes a while to do (adding details, top stitching, hand stitching, etc). 

The jacket pattern is useful for a myriad of designs.  I have a stock jacket pattern that I've had for years, but recently it just won't work anymore.  My shoulders are larger for one, and no one likes a tight fit across the back that will rip seams if you move your arms.  The personal hobby motivation I've given myself to complete this design is for cosplay (of course!) and the deadline is about a month and a half.

One of these days I'll go to a con where I haven't been sewing the week before.  Or the day before.

I will start putting up completed projects as well as their in progress steps, so expect to see a blue and white striped jacket in the near future.  Until next week then.   

Sunday, April 12, 2015

2015 January- April

I thought I'd take the time to catch up on all that's been going on in my life and my art and place it in this post- photos are upcoming in the new week though so don't despair ^__^

I've had to focus on working more than creating lately, and so I now have three jobs.  The first two I've had for just under a year, the third is directly tied into my goals for what I want to do in the future.  It's sewing for a local boutique named 'It's Sew You'- http://itssewyou.ca/about/ .  I'm sharpening my production skills along with gaining experience with industrial machines and top stitching, among other things.  It's a wonderful work environment and if you need any of the listed services I'd highly recommend it.  I also love that the business is sticking to local Vancouver.

 This job is becoming my full time job, and I'm downsizing my other two to gain more free time on weekdays- so starting this week, I'll hopefully be able to get more of my own work done.  I have a ton of ideas and plans and can't wait to start testing it all out!  A goal I have for this blog is to start posting every Monday, or at least bi-weekly on Mondays.

Let's see if I can do that, starting tomorrow.  Cheers, Shawn.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

...this holiday season (2014)

I made hats, shrugs, felted rugs, cards, and an artist book. 

Felting in a bathtub is fine... it's much more challenging to add a wooden blind to roll the felt in and keep it in the same bathtub!

Experiments in how the curtain hangs... mostly for the benefit of the cat

These were so much fun- just the kind of humor I needed ^__^

Found a 'W' stamp and put it to good use

I love the way paper photographs